Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin

Although Beethoven's lovely An die ferne Geliebte (To the Distant Beloved, 1816) is generally cited as being the first "song cycle," Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin (The Miller's Lovely Daughter, 1823-24) is the first song cycle of its own type. Beethoven's cycle is one continuous movement with several contrasting sections, along the lines of a sung fantasia, in which music from the beginning returns at the end so as to form a kind of musical circle. In contrast, Schubert composed a set of related songs intended to be performed as a group in a specified order, but each of the 20 songs is nonetheless self-contained, and so may also stand alone as a separate piece. Thus, Schubert's concept of the song cycle is more in keeping with a Baroque-era solo cantata, with piano accompaniment. And it is Schubert's model more than Beethoven's which has provided inspiration for song cycles by later composers, from Schumann and Mahler to Britten and Barber, and beyond

  • In truth, Schubert's groundbreaking work, first published in 1824, was really the concept of German poet Wilhelm Müller (1794-1827). In 1820, when Müller published his cycle of 25 poems about a young miller’s apprentice who finds but then loses love, he intended them as song lyrics, and later wrote a friend that he hoped "... a kindred spirit may some day be found, whose ear will catch the melodies from my words, and who will give me back my own" (Schubert Songs, by Maurice J.E. Brown). Although Schubert chose a number of Müller's poems as texts for other songs as well, including those of another great cycle, Winterreise (Winter Journey, 1828), there is no evidence that Müller ever knew that his "kindred spirit" indeed had been found, and that Schubert used his words to create unsurpassed musical masterpieces.Die schöne Müllerin PROGRAM NOTES (pdf)

  • German texts with English translations

  1. Die schöne Müllerin

    1. Das Wandern ("To Wander")

    2. Wohin? ("To Whence?")

    3. Halt! ("Stop!")

    4. Danksagung an den Bach" ("Thanksgiving to the Brook")

    5. Am Feierabend ("At Quitting Time")

    6. Der Neugierige ("The Inquisitor")

    7. Ungeduld ("Impatience")

    8. Morgengruß ("Morning Greeting")

    9. Des Müllers Blumen ("The Miller's Flowers")

    10. Tränenregen ("Rainstorm of Tears")

    11. Mein! ("Mine!")

    12. Pause ("Intracte")

    13. Mit dem grünen Lautenbande ("With the Green Lute-ribbon")

    14. Der Jäger ("The Hunter")

    15. Eifersucht und Stolz ("Jealousy and Pride")

    16. Die liebe Farbe ("The Favorite Color")

    17. Die böse Farbe (The Wicked Color")

    18. Trockne Blumen ("Drying Flowers")

    19. Der Müller und der Bach ("The Miller and the Brook")

    20. Des Baches Wiegenlied ("The Brook's Lullaby")