Audition Materials

Please wear clothing you can dance and move freely in. We prefer black bottoms (leggings, shorts, etc) and a solid color top with no graphics. All long hair should be tied back and all hair out of your face.

CHORUS AUDITIONS ARE FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO BE ONSTAGE IN ANY CAPACITY.  THIS INCLUDES: all leads and major supporting roles, minor supporting roles, chorus singers and dancers, background actors. Note that you can still be cast if you consider yourself a dancer but not a singer, a singer but not a dancer, etc.

LEAD AUDITIONS ARE FOR ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEADING OR MAJOR SUPPORTING ROLES. THESE INCLUDE: Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Zeke, Jack Scott, Martha, Ms Darbus and Coach Bolton. Note that Ms Darbus and Coach Bolton can be played by non-singing actors.

A description of the audition process is detailed under Preparing your Audition on this site. Below are the materials referenced on that page.

VOCAL MATERIALS: If you have additional questions about the vocal portion of the audition please send them to Mr Johnson at

Click here for Audition cuts. Those auditioning for chorus only will sing Happy Birthday. Those continuing on to a lead audition will need to select from the following:

Chorus Audition: m. 84-end  “We’re All in This Together, Reprise”, 2:52 - end on Reference Recordings (track 18)

Troy: m 29 - 39 “Get’cha Head in the Game” 1:16 - 1:46 on Reference Recording (Track 3)

Gabriella: m. 5 - 14 “When There was Me and You” beginning to :48 on Reference Recording (track 13)

Ryan and Sharpay: m. 5 - 29 “What I’ve Been Looking For” Beginning to 0:50 on RR (sing the part that fits your voice and character best)

Zeke m. 5 - 20 “Stick to the Status Quo” Beginning - m. 40 RR include speaking lines (track 9)

Martha . m35 - 48 - Stick to the Status Quo” :56 - 1:30 include speaking lines (track 9)

Virtual Accompanist

You can access the exact accompaniment we will use at auditions

Download the app: MTI RehearScore

User name: highschoolmusical

Password: 84452312

SIDES are small excerpts from the script that you may be asked to perform at auditions with another actor. Memorization is not required, we will have copies printed at audtions or you may use your phone. You can find all the sides for lead auditions here:





Video 1- (Instructional view from behind)

Video 2-Group view from front

Video 3-Group view from front