Cast List

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO AUDITIONED. Everyone should be really proud of how you performed at auditions.

Casting a show is always exciting because you can start to envision how the show will come to life, but it is also a bit tedious and stressful. We were truly blown away by how hard you worked, your determination to impress us, and the talent you demonstrated. We are excited that this list is strong and dynamic, and well rounded.

Please trust and respect our decisions, and know that you didn’t make it easy on us. However, we believe we have created the best possible combination to showcase the talent of the Musical Theater Program and pull off this challenging, comical show. We are fortunate we had such talented singers/actors/dancers to choose from. Even less featured roles (there’s no such thing as a small role) have incredibly talented people filling them. Keep in mind - this is about inspiring our audience with an incredible show – not necessarily the role you play in doing it. Every single person involved will benefit, learn skills, make friends, and make memories. You will never take anything away from that experience if you don’t have that positive outlook.

If you didn’t make the on-stage cast, please consider signing up for a Crew Interview on Tuesday, December 9th in room F24 (Mrs. Holowicki's room). We don’t want you to miss out on being part of the cast family!

If you did make the on-stage cast, we begin practice this Monday, December 8th at 3:30 pm in the Choir Room, with a read/sing thru of the entire script/score. This is an ALL-CAST-CALL. During this time, other administrative details and directions will be given. Bring a pencil and a notebook.

Please print out the Role Acceptance Form (linked at the bottom of the page) and bring it in Monday, December 8th to let us know that you are accepting the role given.

Also, please check out the rehearsal schedule for specific rehearsal dates/times. If you click on a date, you can see what acts/songs/dances are being rehearsed, and based on your part, whether it involves you. When in doubt, ask a DIRECTOR! Don’t trust that because your friend said you didn’t have practice that you don’t.

One more word to the wise – unfortunately, not everyone who auditioned was cast. So if you were, and you happen to feel that the role you earned was not the role you wanted, just remember that many of your peers would love to be in your shoes. Handle your excitement or disappointment with grace and caution – watch what you say to others and what you post online – while you are celebrating, others may be hurting and vice versa.

Congratulations again, to the cast and we are excited to get started! See you Monday!

NiceWork_Cast List