elements video and limerick

You will watch a video in class today, "The Elements". Watch about 30 minutes of it with your computers closed. You may take notes as you watch. If you turn in the notes to the sub at the end of the movie, then you may use them on the quiz Monday . If you do not leave the notes with sub, you may not use them on the quiz. Then start your homework> For homework, everyone will write a Limerick or a 6 line iambic pentameter poem(with rhyming couplets) about an element. Do not use gold. Include an illustration. Make sure that it can be read out loud in class. At least some will be called randomly.

I asked you not to use gold

Because the rhymes are so old.

Everyone wants this element sleazy

For they think it is so easy,

But in the meantime their mind turns to mold

(Limericks are less about the syllables but are more about the rhyme.)

Hickory, Dickory Dock,

A mouse ran up the clock,

The Clock struck One,

The mouse fell down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

The first, second, and last lines all rhyme, while the third and fourth lines rhyme themselves. A-A-B-B-A

A There was an old man with a beard,

A Who said, 'It is just as I feared!

B Two owls and a hen,

B Four larks and a wren,

A Have all built their nests in my beard!'