career conference

Today you are going to a career conference. Be courteous and respectful to our guests. Use your time speaking with our guests. Do not limit yourself to only careers that interest you; speak with representatives from a variety of careers. Thank our guests for coming. some examples of questions:

Inappropriate Questions to ask: Questions about income, ie: How much money do you make?

Appropriate Questions to ask:

How much education is required for entry level jobs?

Do you have any recommendations for good schools for this program?

Where do you see this career 15-20 years from now?

What is a disadvantage to going into this career?

Is there anything you would have done differently?

Are there any personality traits that a person should have to be satisfied with this career?

Are there any physical tests or requirements someone would need for this career field?

If I were applying for this job in this career field, what is the process that I would have to go through?

What classes should I be taking in high school to prepare me for this career field?

What working hours might I encounter?

Take notes on this paper about each career you visited. You must visit at least 5, and one of them should have something to do with science; you then should research a 6th career that interests you which was not present, also taking notes on the front of this page. The back should have a paragraph summarizing what you learned, which career interests you the most and why, which career you want to know more about, etc.

