Meet the Governors

Annual Report to Parents 2021-22 - Website Version.pdf

Although the Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the whole school and controls the strategic direction the School takes, it is not directly involved in the day-to-day management, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher. 

Our aim as a Governing Body is to use our wide range of expertise and skills to support and challenge the School to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential whilst they are at Ystrad Mynach Primary School.

Governors meet regularly to monitor finance, strategic development, health and safety and pupils and personnel within the school. All aspects of the school’s work are important to us and are underpinned by our core values. Aiming for Excellence in order for our children become ambitious capable learners, ethical informed citizens, healthy confident individuals and enterprising creative contributors. All of this is achieved within a healthy and safe environment. 

 You can find out more about each governor by clicking on the names below

Mrs Cerys Sage (Chair Of Governors)

Contact Us

At Ystrad Mynach Primary School, our governors are volunteers from our school, community and local authority. They are each responsible for providing strategic leadership and accountability in our school.

We currently have 18 governors comprised of:

•    Head Teacher

•     Community Governors, appointed by the governing body.

•     Staff Governor, elected by the staff at our school.

•     Teacher Governors, elected by the teachers at our school.

•     Parent Governors, elected by parents of the school to act as representatives.

•     Local Authority Governors, appointed by the Local Authority

We are always keen to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a governor and of course, if you have any questions or feedback please contact the school office or send an email to: