
As a part of a project team which also incorporates schools from Holland, Spain, Denmark and France, we secured funding to allow engagement in a range of both physical and virtual activities with our partner schools. 

Based around a theme of sustainability, we have undertaken visits to France and Denmark, with partner schools visiting us in January/February 2023  and a final visit to Holland in May 2023. 

The project has enabled collaborative working to be undertaken by pupils and teachers with a key environmental message at its heart, in addition to providing the opportunity for pupils to experience different countries and cultures.

Denmark Trip October 2022

During the Autumn Term we took a group of pupils to visit Copenhagen. Our Year 6 pupils stayed with their host families for the week.  

As part of the trip, the pupils created natural art, visited the local Science Experimentarium Centre and experienced forest school activities. 

Please take a look at the powerpoint presentation which shows their journey.  

Erasmus Denmark October 2022.pdf