Additional Learning Needs

Over the next few years the way that children with special educational needs (SEN) will be supported in school will change. A new act:Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018' has been put in place and changes to the processes and procedures for SEN are changing. The term SEN is changing to Additional learning Needs (ALN)


Why is it changing?

What is ALN and additional learning provision?

Children and young people with ALN need extra support to learn. This would be because they:  

ALN at Ystrad Mynach Primary School 

Our excellent facilities mean that we are able to offer provision to a very wide range of children and we are proud to be an ‘inclusive school’ that caters for children of all abilities. Ystrad Mynach Primary values the abilities and achievements of all pupils and is committed to providing each pupil with the best environment for learning. 

All staff encourage and support pupils to reach their full potential and promote positive self-esteem and success. Every teacher is concerned with the ‘whole child’ as an individual and is aware of the importance of early identification of ALN. We recognise that many pupils will have additional or different needs at some time during their school life. 

Our school has ALN Co-ordinators who are Mrs Harris and Miss Templeman. Copies of our detailed ALN Policy are available upon request from our school. 


Identifying and Supporting ALN

School Process Poster - Identifying and Supporting ALN.pdf

Please take a look at the following documents which outlines how we identify and support ALN within our school.. As a school we are very flexible and are more than happy to meet with any parent/carer who have concerns. 

LA Process - IDP Flow Chart.pdf

Useful Websites 

Upcoming Events 

Friday 20th January  - ALN Coffee morning

Tuesday 21st March - World Down Syndrome Day

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April  - World Autism Acceptance Week 

Sunday 2nd April 2023 - World Autism Awareness Day

Local Authority Link

Please click the Caerphilly logo to find more information regarding the local authority AL N policy, contact details and ALN transformation details.  

Our school Statutory Officer is Liz Clargo and EP  is Dr Lauron Eckloff.

More Able and Talented

We encourage all our pupils to achieve. We identify and monitor the progress and success of our pupils including those who are more able or talented. We aim to offer suitable opportunities in order to ‘stretch’ such pupils and celebrate talent.  

At our school we celebrate achievements outside of school and promote this on display boards and twitter. If you would like to celebrate your child's achievement then please email who will help or fill out the following google form