Flourish Project

Parent presentation.pdf

The purpose of the project is to equip young people to develop healthy self-esteem, mental and emotional well-being.

 We do this by helping our pupils develop a growth mindset, creating helpful thinking patterns and enabling them  to start to understand their potential, realising future aspirations and set goals for the future.

What we do?

We run one hour weekly sessions, held during the school day.  The group is led by staff who have received training to deliver this program.  The group is designed to help students build self-esteem and confidence. It will also help build communication skills and help promote and encourage healthy lifestyles. 

All of Year 5 will be taking part in this program over the next few months. The program lasts eight weeks which will really benefit all the children taking part. We would like to be sure all parents have been informed, therefore if you wish to discuss the program do not hesitate to pop into the office. All group discussions are treated confidentially. 

The Overview