Star Carr House

Project Description

A major discovery at Star Carr was the existence of post-holes, implying that the inhabitants had built houses. The angle of the post holes and the diameter plus the palaeobotanical knowledge of the surrounding flora made it possible to speculate on what these might have looked like.

​As part of a documentary filmed by the Smithsonian Institute (see below), we were able to construct a replica hut within the YEAR Centre. This took place over several days and required the skills and expertise of two Dutch colleagues - Diederik Pomstra and Leo Wolterbeek.

​The house is currently an important part of our educational and research resources, looking into prehistoric technology, domestic space, building degradation and upkeep and lithic analysis.

Project Outputs

See the Smithsonian documentary about Star Carr which features the YEAR Centre, several team members and the construction of the house.