Diagnostic accuracy
Naila Dracup
Caroline Higgins, Corinne Holubowich, René Spijker and Anita Fitzgerald contributed to earlier versions of this chapter.
Last updated: 5 January 2025
What's new in this update
Usually for updates, we focus on identifying methods papers. In addition, for this update, we conducted a detailed review of all the studies and DTA reviews returned by our current awareness searches to identify new techniques or resources. From six months' of current awareness searches, we identified three relevant publications for this update (Wade 2024, Lipszyc 2024 and Noor 2024) and have added information about the use of PubMed PubReMiner and bibliometric mapping to the chapter. We have also added two new resources to the resources list and have provided a reference to an example of a search writeup (Wade 2024).
HTA may include assessment of new diagnostic technologies or techniques. These can involve the identification and review of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies designed to differentiate between individuals with and without a target condition. In 2008, Cochrane published an evidence-based guide to searching for DTA studies, which provided the original basis for this SuRe Info chapter (de Vet 2008). Subsequently the SuRe Info chapter has been updated by the authors listed above twice a year. The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of DTA (version 2) chapter 7: Searching for and selecting studies was published in March 2022 and is available to Cochrane members (Spijker 2022). Key additional messages from the 2022 Handbook were added to this SuRe Info chapter. Going forward from 2022, this SuRe Info chapter will continue to be updated every six months as new research is published.
DTA studies tend to be poorly reported and searching for them can be problematic due to this inadequate reporting and inconsistent terminology (Spijker 2022), the absence of appropriate indexing terms in some databases for this publication type, and inconsistent use of suitable indexing terms where they are available (de Vet 2008, Cohen 2019, Olsen 2019).
Sources to search
An overview of the searching recommendations from a range of health technology assessment (HTA) agencies reports that all seven organizations encourage comprehensive and systematic searches for HTAs of DTAs (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023). Three agencies state that searches should include the key databases (e.g., MEDLINE, EMBASE) and trial registries, as well as other databases, reference checking, and contacting experts (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023).
Relying only on searching MEDLINE is not recommended, as it is unlikely to be the most comprehensive source of diagnostic information and because diagnostic studies are not easy to retrieve efficiently in bibliographic databases (Whiting 2008). Relative recall analysis of systematic reviews has also suggested other databases might yield additional studies including Science Citation Index, BIOSIS and LILACS (Whiting 2008). Recent analyses have suggested that fewer databases might be adequate, but are weakened by their reliance on known-item searches (van Enst 2014, Rice 2014, Preston 2015). Review searches may not detect all the records in MEDLINE that might be relevant to a review, so searching other databases provides opportunities to pick up (MEDLINE indexed) studies by other routes. An analysis of ten meta-analyses found that only using studies indexed in MEDLINE did not impact significantly on the sensitivity and specificity estimates of the meta-analyses in those reviews (van Enst 2014). A second analysis of 16 meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies of depression screening tools found 94% (range: 83-100%) of the primary studies included in the meta-analyses were indexed in MEDLINE (Rice 2016). The remaining non-MEDLINE indexed studies were located in Scopus, PsycINFO, and Embase, suggesting searching additional databases may reveal further relevant studies (Rice 2016). The authors acknowledged that the quality of the majority of the original reviews could not be determined. A 2015 study of nine reviews performed by a single research group found that the reviewers’ original searches would have found 85% of their included studies from MEDLINE and Embase (range: 60-100%) (Preston 2015). Adding reference checking to the process would have found 93% of the included studies. There is evidence from one case study that searching regional databases, such as Chinese databases, may identify studies not identified from MEDLINE or Embase (Cohen 2015). A number of COVID-19 focused databases have recently been developed (see 2022 Cochrane DTA Handbook, Spijker 2022).
There is no information on whether dissertations about test accuracy research are valuable for DTA reviews, but the 2022 Cochrane DTA Handbook suggests they should be considered and describes some specific collections as well as noting that CINAHL and PsycINFO contain dissertations (Spijker 2022).
As well as the major bibliographic databases typically searched for effects and safety evidence, the following databases might also be considered:
International HTA database
DiTA - free database indexing primary studies of diagnostic test accuracy and systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies related to physiotherapy practice (12,13)
PROSPERO - register of systematic reviews
Epistemonikos - collection of systematic reviews and their included studies
IEEE Explore - (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Manufacturers’ websites (for specific technologies)
An extensive list of databases can be found in the Appendix to the Technical Supplement to the Cochrane Handbook chapter on searching for studies (Cochrane 2022)
HTA agencies may also undertake assessments of diagnostic tests and so agency websites should also be explored, for example NICE diagnostic test guidance.
Although the proportion of ongoing studies investigating diagnostic test accuracy may still be relatively low (Korevaar 2014, Zarei 2018), some are being recorded prospectively on trials registers such as ClinicalTrials.gov and the ICTRP portal (Korevaar 2017). In the absence of study registration, it may be helpful to search for study protocols: in the field of radiology studies protocols were available for 10% of studies in a 2018 paper (Zarei 2018). Searching for unpublished studies is important for reducing potential biases and research has demonstrated that between 25% and 50% of DTA studies do not get published in peer-reviewed publications (Korevaar 2020). A 2020 study in a large sample of 200 systematic reviews of DTA studies has demonstrated that searching for unpublished studies is not yet standard practice (Korevaar 2020).
The evidence for the value of handsearching is currently sparse, with one study of one topic showing that handsearching contributed little (Glanville 2012). It is possible that the topic of the research was well defined and the database searches were exemplary, and therefore the handsearching contribution would be different in other topics (Glanville 2012). More evidence is required on the yield and value of handsearching. Where a topic is published in journals that are not indexed in bibliographic databases, handsearching can still serve a purpose, but this needs to be evaluated question by question.
The Cochrane DTA Handbook notes the lack of evidence on the value of citation searching (forwards and backwards), web searching and grey literature searching as part of DTA study identification (Spijker 2022). The Handbook notes that all these methods have potential usefulness as supplemental approaches to searching to identify DTA studies (Spijker 2022). Searching preprints may be useful but should be undertaken with caution since they have not yet been peer reviewed (Spijker 2022).
Designing search strategies
Search strategies should be designed to be highly sensitive using a wide variety of search terms, both text words and subject indexing, to ensure that the many ways that a test may be described feature in the search (de Vet 2008). Information specialists should be aware of the weaknesses of reporting in titles and abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies. Research into the quality of reporting in both primary DTA studies and systematic reviews of DTA studies (DTA SRs) found underreporting of critical items related to study design and methods, including the failure to identify publications as DTA studies (Korevaar 2015, Pagkalidou 2022, Thompson 2022, Li 2023). In addition, the application of available indexing may not be consistent in databases and should not be relied upon. One study reported that the sensitivity of three key Emtree headings, including the checktag ‘diagnostic test accuracy study’, was found to be individually below 50%, only achieving 72.7% when used together (Gurung 2020).
The search should reflect some, but not necessarily all, of the key concepts of the review (de Vet 2008, Spijker 2022). The search is likely to capture the index test being investigated and the target condition being diagnosed (de Vet 2008, Spijker 2022, Korevaar 2015). A third set of terms can be considered to capture the patient description or the reference standard. The development of search strategies for DTA studies can be challenging and may involve several iterations to reach a strategy that captures the complex way records may present concepts of diagnosis (de Vet 2008, Spijker 2022). Cochrane Reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies and the 2008 Cochrane Handbook provide examples of search approaches for these, often complex, topics. Strategies may include both general terms (such as the generic type of diagnostic method, for example dipsticks) and specific terms such as named dipstick tests (de Vet 2008).
In terms of search approaches, NICE DAP guidance suggests a 2-step approach (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023). The first step is to search for direct evidence and if that does not produce enough evidence, then further searches could be undertaken to find studies to develop a linked evidence analysis (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023). MSAC suggests an iterative approach using multiple searches depending on the health claims being made for the test and the availability of evidence on direct “test-health outcomes” (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023). Different questions being addressed within the DTA HTA might require additional searches (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023).
Information specialists may be aware of the growing interest in automation software to improve efficiencies in evidence synthesis production. Text-mining tools can analyse a large amount of text in seconds to identify frequently used words and/or indexing terms, which can assist in the development of search strategies. Owing to the many challenges caused by incomplete reporting of DTA studies discussed above, there is emerging evidence to support the use of text-mining tools in the development of DTA searches. A recent case study evaluated 16 text-mining products in several domains, one being its contribution to identifying studies (O’Keefe 2022). Authors reported that 11 relevant, previously unidentified DTA publications were captured in search results because of text-mining applications. Of interest to searchers, two open access applications, Text Analyzer and Yale MeSH Analyzer, scored the highest for their ease of use and contribution to identifying relevant articles (O’Keefe 2022). Having a set of key studies one would expect to be captured in search results to analyse with text mining tools may aid in ensuring relevant terms and subject headings are identified. A recent study reported using PubMed PubReMiner to identify search terms and using a set of relevant records to test their strategies for relevance and appropriateness in Ovid MEDLINE (Lipszyc 2024).
Bibliometric mapping is a method used to systematically visualise and analyse patterns within a specific discipline. This methodology is not used to review all studies on a topic but to track the historical progression of a discipline and also trends of topics of interest and to identify evidence gaps. It involves the use of statistical and visual tools to examine relationships between authors, publications, keywords, journals, institutions, and countries. One study has reported using a bibliometric approach using Web of Science and Scopus to identify studies of interest and utilising ScientoPy and VOSviewer software for an in-depth bibliometric analysis to examine publication trends, citation patterns and thematic clusters (Noor 2024).
There are many published methodological search filters designed to capture studies of diagnostic test accuracy and that include test measurement terms such as sensitivity and accuracy (InterTASC Information Specialists’ SubGroup 2022). The evidence, however, on the performance of DTA search filters suggests that combining filters with a search for a population and an index test is likely to miss relevant studies (Leeflang 2006, Ritchie 2007, Whiting 2011, Beynon 2013). Search filters for DTA studies do not seem to perform consistently and may result in unacceptable reductions in sensitivity (InterTASC Information Specialists’ SubGroup 2022, Leeflang 2006, Ritchie 2007, Whiting 2011, Beynon 2013, Yao 2018, Katoaka 2023). One small study in psychometric tests used to diagnose postpartum depression highlights another concern with DTA filters: psychometric tests are often associated with reliability and validity and not conventional diagnostic accuracy terms like sensitivity and specificity (Mann 2012). An overview of HTA guidelines found the majority did not recommend the use of DTA filters (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023).
Some studies have found that there may be instances where these methodological filters could be used, but these are not within the context of information retrieval to produce health technology assessments (Rogerson 2015, Huang 2016). When all the research is considered together, current evidence suggests that for search strategies designed to support systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy, if DTA filters are not the only approach, they may be useful as one component of a search strategy which involves several search approaches: a “multi-stranded” approach involves multiple queries run sequentially and using different combinations of concepts. Search filters can be identified from the InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group (ISSG) Search Filter Resource (InterTASC Information Specialists’ SubGroup 2022).
Subheadings (floating subheadings and subheadings attached to the index test or the target condition) may be a helpful component of the search strategy (de Vet 2008).
Attention to the proper translation of DTA search strategies into subsequent databases is important. To illustrate, a 2019 study identified suboptimal translation of MEDLINE DTA search strategies into the LILACS database and provides detailed guidance on how to search for DTA studies in LILACS (Pereira 2019). The PolyGlot search translator tool can assist with the task of translating search strategies (Lipszyc 2024). However, other authors highlight that search specialists should use Polyglot with caution as although it can increase the efficiency and speed of translating search strategies without increasing errors, errors can be retained (Clark 2020).
Manufacturers’ websites can be a useful source of information relating to specific diagnostic accuracy tools, tests and technologies. The names of manufacturers and specific tools and technologies can be generated during the scoping search stage and via discussion with topic experts. Searches for specific tools and technologies should include specific phrases and brand names for technologies (Wade 2024).
Developing a search strategy can be iterative and complex and it can be helpful to have topic experts to review samples of search results for relevance and it is always helpful to be able to test retrieval against sets of known relevant records. One study has reported that a ‘gold set’ of publications were identified by a topic expert identified during the scoping searches that were analysed for additional search terms that were used to validate the search strategy (Lipszyc 2024).
Although date limits are a decision for the overall review question and are just implemented in the search if they are selected, researchers should note a recent paper that suggests, in the context of rapid reviews, that restricting the search date to the recent 10–15 years does not harm the robustness of such reviews (Furuya-Kanamori 2023).
Reporting Search Strategy Methods
The PRISMA-DTA Checklist and PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts Checklist were designed to capture critical design elements unique to DTA studies, with evidence supporting PRISMA-DTA use over PRISMA-2020 (Li 2023). Three studies assessing the "completeness" and quality of reporting of DTA SRs found although information sources searched and search date are often properly reported, there is suboptimal description of search strategies (Li 2023, Salameh 2019, Kim 2022). When reporting search methods in DTA SR abstracts, one study of DTA SRs in cardiovascular diseases recommended better adherence to the PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts Checklist when reporting the key databases searched and the last search date (Pagkalidou 2022). A survey of HTA guidelines found that all recommend that searches should be reported clearly and transparently (Ferrante di Ruffano 2023). The review by Wade et al (2024) provides a good example of how to report search methods.
We have used the searching chapters of the two editions of the Cochrane DTA Handbook (de Vet 2008, Spijker 2022) as our baseline and SuRe Info appraisals have only been prepared for recently identified studies and studies identified between the two editions.
Reference list
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Lipszyc AC, Walker SCD, Beech AP, Wilding H, Akhlaghi H. Predicting Fluid Responsiveness Using Carotid Ultrasound in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies. Anesth Analg. 2024;138(6):1174-1186.
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How to cite this chapter:
Glanville J, Higgins C. Diagnostic accuracy. Last updated 5 January 2025. In: SuRe Info: Summarized Research in Information Retrieval for HTA. Available from: https://www.sure-info.org//diagnostic-accuracy
Copyright: the authors