Beale 2014

Appraisal of: "Beale S, Duffy S, Glanville J, Lefebvre C, Wright D. McCool R. Varley D, Boachie C, Fraser C, Harbour J et al. Choosing and using methodological search filters: searchers' views. Health Info Libr J. 2014;31(2):133-47."

Julie Glanville
Kath Wright

Full Reference:
Beale S, Duffy S, Glanville J, Lefebvre C, Wright D. McCool R. Varley D, Boachie C, Fraser C, Harbour J et al. Choosing and using methodological search filters: searchers' views. Health Info Libr J. 2014;31(2):133-47.

Short description:

The paper reports on a survey of information specialists working in, or for, UK NICE and a questionnaire advertised to a wider audience via a range of email lists, that explored searchers’ use of filters, how they select information filters and what information would help them to make those selections. It found that search filters are mainly used to reduce large results sets. Less technical information about filters would help information specialists to making choices as would ratings, and more information about how the filter was validated and who created it.

Limitations stated by the author(s):

No limitations stated.

Limitations stated by the reviewer(s):

No additional limitations detected by the reviewers.

Study Type:

Single study

Related Chapters:

Search filters


  • Search filters