Glanville IJTAHC 2010

Appraisal of: Glanville J, Paisley S. Identifying economic evaluations for health technology assessment. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2010;26(4):436-440.


David Kaunelis

Full Reference:

Glanville J, Paisley S. Identifying economic evaluations for health technology assessment. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2010;26(4):436-440

Short description:

This study surveys the current evidence base for search methods and resources for retrieving economic evaluations in the context of health technology assessment (HTA) work. To find economic evaluations, specific economic evaluation databases and larger biomedical databases must be searched to obtain the most comprehensive sets of results. In addition to a list of key databases, strategies for searching both types of databases are presented, along with other general database search tips. Evidence on the performance of several economic evaluation search filters is summarized, with a call for further evidence-generating research in this area.

Limitations stated by the author(s):

The authors state that there is a lack of evidence supporting best practice in retrieving economic evaluations, such as efficient grey literature searching, the development of search filters, and “comparative yield” of different search approaches and resources.

Limitations stated by the reviewer(s):

Non-database sources appear to have been surveyed in the study, but the authors do not elaborate on any identified.

Study Type:


Related Chapters:

Costs and economic evaluation


  • Search filters

  • Evidence collections

  • Economics

  • Guidance document

  • Journal articles

  • Search engines

  • Designing strategies - general