Papaioannou 2010

Appraisal of: "Papaioannou D, Sutton A, Carroll C, Booth A, Wong R. Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques. Health Info Libr J 2010; 27(2): 114-122. "


Siw Waffenschmidt

Elke Hausner

Full Reference:

Papaioannou D, Sutton A, Carroll C, Booth A, Wong R. Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques. Health Info Libr J 2010; 27(2): 114-122.

Short description:

A conventional subject search was undertaken as the principal method of identifying the literature for the review. Four supplementary search methods were used including citation searching, reference list checking, contact with experts and pearl growing.

11 of 41 references were identified via citation searching, reference list checking and contact with experts (27%). Pearl growing was suspended as the nominated pearls were dispersed across numerous databases, with no single database indexing more than four pearls. Citation searching identified 3 (5 ?) references, reference list checking 4, and contact with experts 2 additional references.

Problems in indexing, ambiguity of terms and limited abstract content resulted in reduced sensitivity fort he main subject search.

Limitations stated by the author(s):


Limitations stated by the reviewer(s):

Generalizabilty may be limited as the information retrieval of only one systematic review was assessed.

Study Type:

Single study

Related Chapters:


  • citation searching

  • Citation checking

  • Pearl growing

  • Sociology, Medical