Student Services

Virtual Resource Room

It has been a busy start up for the Student Services Department. Our virtual resource room is up and running and many students have accessed support here. We encourage students to access this support and regularly connect with their Student Services Teacher. We continue to work with students to help them better understand information and concepts taught in class, to assist them with planning and completing assignments and to help them develop learning and technology skills especially in this new virtual environment.

Welcome to Grade Nine Students

A special welcome to our Grade 9 students. We have been so impressed with their ability to quickly adjust to high school, especially given these unusual circumstances. The Grade 9 Learning Strategies course ran in Phase 1 of this school year. From the beginning students adjusted to a remote platform of learning with enthusiasm and open minds. Throughout the course they developed essential learning skills and digital literacy to enhance their learning in this new VLE. Students learned/worked with new apps/platforms such as Jamboard, Mindomo, Padlet, and Google’s Applied Digital Skills; as well as some familiar ones such as Kahoot, Google Slides, Google Read and Write, and My Blueprint. We know these acquired skills and strategies will stand them in good stead moving forward into Quadmester 2, and later into Semester 2! Good Luck and much success to our new Gr. 9’s!!

Life Skills Program

Our life skills program is also in full swing. Mrs. Holding and our amazing educational assistants have been working hard to keep everyone safe while learning important academic and life skills. Again , we are so impressed with the ability of our students to pivot and adjust to our “new normal”. We have been using and developing our technology skills in the classroom, including working together on Google Meets, accessing Apps on GSuite and having some well deserved virtual fun along the way. We are also enjoying the outdoor track and field while the weather is still good!

Thank you to all our parents for your support! It is so appreciated and we look forward to working with you and your amazing teens!