Business Studies

The St. Robert community and specifically the Business Studies Department would like to warmly welcome

Ms. Fujiwara, Ms. Cruz, and Ms. Jammehdiabadi.

This year, DECA Ontario has gone virtual for students who wish to develop their business skills in an experiential case based competition. St. Robert’s chapter is going strong with 185 student members and teacher supervisors including Ms. Cruz, Ms. Jammehdiabadi, Ms. Karisch, Mr. Lam, and led by Ms. Fujiwara and Mr. Mak.

Regional competitions will be held in a virtual environment on November 21 and 22. Provincial and International competitions are yet to be determined by DECA Ontario.

A big thank you to Andrew & Emily from Mattel Toys in Los Angeles for joining Mrs. Cruz’s grade 11 Marketing class to talk about segmentation, commercial and international marketing. Students were able to learn about their first hand fun and unique experiences in the field!

Ms. Fujiwara's Grade 11 Accounting class would like thank Laveen Jose from the Chartered Professional Account's Association for providing insights into career pathways in accounting during the question and answer session. The information session was informative and riveting.

Congratulations go out to Jerry Jiang on his certificate of distinction for his participation in the Economics for Leaders program. This summer program was conducted by the Foundation for Teaching Economics and delivered virtually. Well done Jerry!