Catholic School Council

The St. Robert Catholic High School Council operating as an advisory council will strive to provide an opportunity to build community, strengthen the home/school/parish partnership and work together as a community of believers committed to putting the values of our faith into practice in the education of our children.

The 2020 -2021 St. Robert Catholic High School Council members

Chair: Ms. Meeta Kirkham

Treasurer: Ms. Melanie Wu

Secretary: Ms. Mignonne Harold

Staff Representative: Ms. Leanne Nardi

  • Voting Members: Ila Bansal, Celia Ciotola, Elaine Coelho, Patil Demerji, Dora Ho, Catherine Ger, Miyoung Lee, Ling Liu, Flora Lu, Pauline Kay, Elfriede Klemmer, Gisela Koehl, Patricia Miyashiro, Connie Pugliese-Riolino, Hieronim Teresinski, Sheila Zahraei, Tracy Zhao, Bahia Zitouni

Catholic School Council Chair's Message....


As parents of teenage children we have nurtured our sons and daughters throughout their early formative years and now realize our children’s worlds are changing as never before.

We have heard over and over that this school year is like “never before.” Around the world young people have returned to school in ways that are unrecognizable to many. Months of anxiety about the COVID-19 Pandemic has left families with questions and concerns for our children’s health and mental well-being. But amidst the fear and uncertainty we always have hope. The message of Christ has always been a message of Hope, Love, and Charity even at times when it may not seem so obvious. Today more than ever our Catholic Education promotes the coming together of Home, School, and Parish to ensure that all aspects of our well-being as human persons in the image of God is preserved. This vital partnership will help us look out for the well-being of our children during these formative years.

This year the YCDSB website has numerous connections for families to review and reach out for advice on coping mechanisms for our families. The St. Robert community is encouraged to review these sites. We all pray for an end to this pandemic, and soon enough the time will come when we will return to well-loved traditions, along with new enhancements that technology has allowed us to embrace. Ultimately all that we do is to prepare our children to thrive as resilient, contributing members of society.

The educational philosophy that guides Catholic schools seeks to ensure that they are places where faith, culture and life are brought into harmony. The virtues that are an integral part of catholic education promote the formation of the individual as a living witness of God. It is infused in our school culture and encourages students to serve society today and into the future. Students at St. Robert C.H.S. have the opportunity to live this message daily as they interact with all those they encounter- whether virtual or in school or out in the community. Programs in our schools encourage Gospel values when students participate in social issues, care of the environment, and helping the poor and shut-ins. Sharelife giving and even peer tutoring programs encourage our children to be “merciful like our Father.”

Over the last 17 years as a Catholic School Council member in both the Elementary and Secondary level, as well as a past member of the York Catholic Parent Involvement Committee - I have had the privilege of seeing our students called to live the Gospel in our school environments. Our role as engaged parents make us important partners within the school community. This gives us the ability to nurture in our children a love of learning, a value system and to build confidence in them so each one is ready to share their gifts and talents with all those they will encounter throughout their lives.

“Dear young people do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Don’t be afraid of great things!”

– Pope Francis

On behalf of the Catholic School Council I would like to wish all students continued success throughout the school year. I would also like to encourage all parents to see how Catholic School Councils enhance student achievement and community engagement. I look forward to representing the parent community as the Chair of the 2020/2021 Council.

Yours in Christ,

Meeta Kirkham

Chair, Catholic School Council, St. Robert CHS

Upcoming CSC Meetings

Wednesday November 25, 2020

Wednesday February 17, 2021

Wednesday May 12, 2021


7:00 pm link posted here: St. Robert CSC meetings