
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Back to school means back to a new norm this year. We are grateful for the patience and understanding of our wonderful math students and their parents as we establish a new rhythm to learning math this year. It certainly takes more discipline and independent learning skills to be successful this year. Just remember that your math teachers are all here to support you.

Zone Champion!

The plaques for the 2020 Pascal and Cayley Contests have arrived! St. Robert students performed exceptionally well on the 2020 Pascal, Cayley and Fermat contests. Congratulations to our Gr. 9 and 10 students for winning the Zone Champion titles. A special shoutouts to our two perfect scorers, Elizabeth C. (grade 9) and Ernest W. (grade 11), on the Cayley and Fermat contests respectively. Well done!

Math Club

Math club provides students with an opportunity to learn advanced problem solving skills and prepare for contests through enriched math presentations. Math club is held online every Wednesday after school, and is led by experienced student leaders and the math team coach, Ms Do.

Math Contests

The best way to get first-hand math contests information is to follow us on Twitter @StRobertMath. Ongoing information about math contests will also be posted on the 🌐 Math Department website and 📣morning announcements will be made.

Given the uncertainties of this school year, we are unable to provide a concrete timeline for contest signups. However, we will update students as soon as we hear from the math contest organizers. The next set of contests will be the Pascal, Cayley and Fermat contests scheduled to take place in February. Registration will take place BEFORE February.

We also ask students and their parents to follow our internal St. Robert registration timeline precisely, as it takes a lot of coordination to ensure we process over 150 requests correctly. Unfortunately we cannot accept late registrations.