Department Update

A warm welcome to the following teachers joining our department this school year: Ms. Cruz, Mr. Ferrace, Ms. Lowe, Ms. Marsala, Mr. Niro, Mr. Odhutan, Ms. Shakkouri and Ms. Teti.

We would like to also wish Mrs. Cooney all the very best on her retirement. May God bless her as she begins her new journey.

Here at St. Robert we are so proud that many of our students participate in numerous extracurricular clubs and activities in addition to their academic responsibilities. A few science focused clubs running this year include Environmental Council, STEM Council, and HOSA.

Although this school year may not look the same, students are learning in new and innovative ways!

Students from Ms. Elacqua's grade 10 Science class are working through dissections with remote learners.

Ms. Rusli's grade 11 IB Chemistry class is conducting a lab and analyzing data with those learning from home.

We look forward to some amazing events this year and we encourage students to get involved!