Subscribed Online Databases

JoVE in the world-leading producer and provider of science videos with the mission to improve scientific reserch and education. Millions of scientists, educators and students at thousands of universities, colleges, hospitals, and biopharmaceutical companies worldwide use JoVE for their reserch, teaching, and learning.

Current, authoritative, media-rich information  — covering Biography, Global Issues, Literature, Opposing Viewpoints, Science, Student Resources, U.S. History, World History, and middle school resource Research In Context — seamlessly integrate acclaimed content with media-rich, curriculum-aligned materials that span core subjects and 21st-century themes.  

IG Library (All strand) 

IG Library s a new generation eBook platform developed by iG Publishing. Its simple and user-friendly interface helps you to retrieve information from huge eBook collections using a single click. The eBooks are from 42 publishers with approximately 65,000 titles. It employs a powerful clustering engine to help you quickly analyze search results as well as discover related topics.

ProQuest eLibrary (All strand)

ProQuest eLibrary helps simplify the research process and empowers novice researchers to more easily and efficiently choose their research topic and find authoritative information to support their research claim. It delivers one of the largest collections of periodical and digital media content.

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