
To be a leading ASEAN university
forming leaders of character by 2033.

Mission Statement

Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan)
is a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit educational community
dedicated to the integral development of the person
for the needs of Mindanao, the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.

As a University, Xavier engages
in the authentic search for the truth
through teaching, formation, research and social outreach;
it is dedicated to the renewal, discovery, safeguarding
and communication of knowledge and human values;
and it trains men and women to think rigorously,
so as to act rightly and serve humanity justly.

As a Filipino University, Xavier is devoted
to the appreciation, preservation and enrichment
of the Filipino culture and heritage;
to the sustainable development of the nation;
and to the pursuit of the common good.

As a Catholic University, Xavier is committed
to the proclamation of the joy of the Gospel;
its commitment is rooted in a deep personal friendship
with Jesus Christ manifested by loyalty to the Church
characterized by a preferential option for the poor;
it shares in the privileged task of fostering
the interdisciplinary and integrated encounter
between faith, reason, and the sciences.

As a Jesuit University, Xavier participates
in the Jesuit mission of reconciliation with God,
with others and with creation; it seeks to serve the faith,
promote justice, dialogue with culture and religions,
and protect the environment; it upholds the Ignatian values
of magis, cura personalis and finding-God-in-all-things.

In sum, Xavier University forms men and women
of competence, conscience and commitment
in service of the Church, the global community
and the Filipino people.


Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan Basic Education is an integral part of the Jesuit educational apostolate, Catholic in its orientation and Filipino in its concerns. We are a community composed of Jesuits, lay faculty, staff, parents and students working together for the total education and formation of the young particularly in Northern Mindanao.

We envision to develop conscientious servant leaders marked with excellence, enriched with Filipino culture and heritage, concerned with maintaining and preserving ecological balance and employing a pedagogy that integrates Ignatian Spirituality in all phases of life at school, in the community, nation and the world.

We seek to form Christ-centered, competent, compassionate, committed and culturally

integrated individuals who:

M manifest a firm belief in Christ as Friend and Model of our lives;

A affirm to be disciplined and critical yet open to new ideas;

G gear to practice Cura Personalis and are capable to transcending self –interest for the common good; and

 I ignite the passion for truth and justice in uplifting the plight of the poor and work for the care and preservation of our natural environment;

S show respect for our Filipino identity, culture and tradition and ready to serve

our country.

Persons for others and with others, we believe that TRUTH frees us.

Veritas Liberabit Vos. We, Xavier University – Basic Education, dedicate the pursuit of MAGIS as our way of life.



To be an information center of excellence that develops literate, independent and lifelong learners in research and teaching through providing relevant, timely and instant access to information in various formats.


To provide relevant information sources, innovative technologies and services to the Xavier Ateneo Senior High School community enabling them to facilitate excellence in their research, learning, teaching and community engagement.


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