Tech Trainings

The purpose of this site is to give teachers additional resources on bringing technology into their classroom.  Each one of the videos and sections were made to make learning more engaging for the students, while making your jobs easier, not harder.  I also know that your time is important to you, which is why each one of the videos is about 2-4 minutes.  

The navigation menu is on the left side.  Click on the 3 lines to see all the sections covered in that particular topic.  Some areas have more subsections than others. The topics covered are the ones that I felt were the most useful to teachers.  If you would like to see any additional topics covered, feel free to email me at You can also follow me on Twitter, @wendland_kevin, for updates to this site and general tech updates.

I would also strongly recommend downloading and using Google Chrome as your default browser. Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer can do some things, but clearly the Google suite of apps was made specifically for Chrome.  Microsoft's other browser Edge is getting better, but it wasn't made for Google Apps. Download HERE.