Chrome Remote Desktop

A common question asked of a Chromebook is "can it replace my laptop?" The answer to that depends on your uses. If everything you use is browser based, ie. Aeries or Google Apps, then yes you could probably do away with your laptop. If you use any type of installed program, Examview, then you have to have a computer to run that program. But do you need to have your computer with you at all times? No. All you need is to install the Chrome Remote Desktop app.

After you install the Chrome Remote Desktop app, you have full access to your work computer. You can use a Chromebook to access any program that is installed on your computer.

The beginning of this tutorial is from your PC, the second part is from the Chromebook.

***These screenshots are now from the PC interface.***

1. Install the Chrome Remote Desktop Connection app on computer's Chrome browser. Make sure you are logged into your browser with your @g. work email.

2. Once you have installed the app, run it and eventually you will be asked to Enable remote connections.

3. You will be asked to create a PIN number for the connection. This is the number you will enter to connect to your PC from your Chromebook.

***These screenshots are now from the Chromebook interface.***

4. Open the Chrome Remote Desktop app on your chromebook. It should automatically have been added, but you might need to add it to your Chromebook. Click on your computer to connect to it.

5. You will be asked to enter in the PIN number you created on your PC from step 3. I recommend checking the box so you don't have to enter the PIN number every time you connect remotely.

6. You are now connected to your PC. You have full access to run any program you have installed on your PC. As you can see, your computer is running inside of the Chrome browser. If you want to go full screen, click on the Maximize Window button on the Chromebook to go full screen. It will make it feel like your Chromebook is now your laptop.

7. To end the remote connection, click on the small blue bar at the top of the screen.

8. Once the blue bar has been clicked. A menu will slide down. Click Disconnect to end the connection.

You can add as many PC's to your remote connection. Simply install the app on any Chrome browser on any computer and it will show up on the list from step 4.

Chrome Remote Desktop App