Running Start

The Running Start Program allows high school Juniors and Seniors to earn college credits while completing their high school education. Students are able to select courses that challenge them academically and meet their high school graduation requirements.

Most students take courses through Clark College and Lower Columbia College.

Pros and Cons of Running Start


  • Flexible schedule.

  • Opportunity for tuition-free credit.

  • Meet new people.

  • Experience a college environment.


  • Expense of transportation - students need to use their own car and pay for gas, etc.

  • Expense for books, supplies and fees for classes.

  • Time-management can be challenging as students time a college's quarter-based schedule versus the high school's semester-based schedule.

  • It can be difficult for students to get the classes they need while scheduling them around high school classes and/or activities.

  • Parent oversight can be limited as students attend college.

  • Students may miss out on the traditional high school experience.

Please check the Running Start page on the Counseling website for more details