Covid-19 Testing

Any student or Staff member at BFUHS who is found to have symptoms consistent with Covid-19 that cannot otherwise be explained will be asked to test for Covid, or possibly referred out to their provider for Covid testing.  We cannot require Covid testing, however it is strongly encouraged to help maintain the health and safety of our school community. Furthermore, school nurses have the right to excuse any student from classes (ie - send them home) if they are exhibiting symptoms that could be seen as a potential threat to public health. 

We have limited testing supplies available at the school, and kits available to send home on a limited basis. 

We may ask permission to test your student at school. Please see below for the consent form for testing. We may do it over the phone simply due to necessity. If consent is obtained, unless otherwise noted, we will consider the consent for Covid testing valid for one school year, therefore if future testing is necessary, we will have consent on one form. You will be notified if your student is being tested, and required to pick your student up (if they are not able to drive themselves) within 30 minutes of a positive result. 

BFUHS Covid-19 teting consent 8 22 (1).pdf


The surveillance testing program at BFUHS/WNESU has been discontinued. We are now only testing on an as-needed basis.