Annual Screenings

BFUHS offers annual vision screening and hearing screening to all students each year to ensure that no one's education is being negatively affected by a visual or hearing impairment. If at any time you feel like your child is having a hard time seeing or hearing, please let us know right away and we can screen them. Keep in mind, our screening at the High School does not replace a visit to an optometrist, ophthalmologist or an audiologist, (eye doctor or a hearing doctor). However, if someone is struggling to see or hear, we will likely be able to pick up on it on our screening, at which point we can make a referral to the appropriate specialist for you. Please see Vermont Statute 16 V.S.A. § 1422 for more information.

Vision Screening is often conducted early in the school year by the Lions Club. If your student is found to have a vision impairment or abnormality, the parent/guardian will be notified and we can work with your provider to make a referral to an eye care specialist. More information on the Lions club can be found here.

Hearing Screening is conducted throughout the year by the school nursing staff. New audiometers have been purchased within the last two years and are calibrated annually by UVM. If your student is found to have a hearing impairment or abnormality, the parent/guardian will be notified and we can work with your provider to make a referral to a hearing specialist.