Chapter 1

The Law and The Courts


  • Introduction to class. Attendance. Daily classroom procedure.

  • Discussion of Class Participation Guidelines/Rubric (Parents need to read through and complete on-line form acknowledging it)

  • Materials Needed: 1/2 inch loose leaf binder exclusive for this class

  • Remind students of on line syllabus and google form

  • Hand-out textbooks and workbooks and take a look through.

  • Each chapter is divided in two Sections 1.1 and 1.2. Students should be reading Chapter 1 The Law and the Courts at home.

  • Section 1.1 Foundations of Law pgs. 6-14

  • View Hammurabi's Code clip. Who was Hammurabi and how long ago was his code of law written?


  • Vocabulary Section 1.1 quiz FRIDAY.

  • Discussion of "Why law is necessary and define law?"

  • Discuss Relationship b/w ethics and law pgs. 8-9 in text.

  • Discussion of how students decide differences between RIGHT AND WRONG. List on board.

  • Discussion of Ethics/Morals. How Ethical Decisions are made (4 specific ways)

  • Ethical Character Traits. What are they? Do you have them?

  • 3 important ACADEMIC vocabulary terms:

  • Empathy, Permissible, Prevalent

  • Compare/Contrast the vocab terms Sympathy vs. Empathy

  • Moral/ethical debate "Baby left in car" experiment/video/discussion.

  • Section 1.1 PowerPoint notes continue.

  • Continue notes on The Five Main Sources of Law (pgs. 9-14 in textbook)

  • Textbook pgs. 12-13, Discussion of STATUTES (Federal/State/Ordinances)

  • Look up "Murphy's Law". What does it say and where/who was it created from.

  • Complete "Sources of Law" notes from Section 1.1 PowerPoint

  • Students should complete pg. 1-3 of workbook

Monday 9/21-9/25

  • Word of the day is "jurisdiction"

  • Begin Section 1.2 "The Court System and Trial Procedure" pg. 15 textbook.

  • Section 1.2 The Court System and Trial Procedures pgs. 15-27.

  • Section 1.2 Vocabulary quiz is Friday 9/25.

  • Substantive Law and Procedural Law pg. 20 read. Difference between the two. Discussion

  • Complete Section 1.2 vocabulary in class.

  • Section 1.2 Vocabulary quiz is Friday 9/25.

  • Section 1.2 Federal/State Court systems and different types of jurisdiction

  • Go over different levels in Federal System explaining jurisdiction at every level. Give examples.

  • Section 1.2 Federal/State Court systems and different types of jurisdiction

  • Go over different levels in Federal System explaining jurisdiction at every level. Give examples.



  • Federal Court System Structure/Jurisdiction notes.

  • Federal Court Link

  • Study words tonight for tomorrow quiz.

  • Section 1.2 vocabulary quiz.

  • Discussion death penalty relating moral/ethical decision making. Read article titled "U.S. last to execute ban". Ethical/Moral dilemma? Violation of 8th Amendment of Bill of Rights? Is there a conflict between state law and federal law? Discussion

  • Read article "Inmate: Injection would be cruel". Students have to answer questions posted on classroom. (Capital Punishment questions)

  • Capital Punishment article along with questions

  • 60 Minutes episode

  • Review vocabulary quizzes 1.1 and 1.2

  • Difference between original and appellate jurisdiction (Federal Courts)

  • Difference between limited and general jurisdiction (State Courts)

  • Continue with Federal Courts and Jurisdiction

  • Begin Notes on Civil/Criminal Trial Procedure

  • Begin notes on "Procedural Law" (see attached PowerPoint Section 1.2 below)

  • Students should turn in Capital Punishment classroom assignment questions completed to the google classroom

  • Criminal Trial Procedure pg. 24-25

  • Discuss Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) pg. 21-22

  • Take notes on 4 Techniques Used in ADR.

  • Discussion about the differences between the four techniques

  • Case of the Shipwrecked Sailors. Group work. On google classroom

  • Discussion of group work. Case of the Shipwrecked Sailors.

  • Arraignment video on google classroom.

  • Notes on trial procedure. Click link "How to Indict

  • "Teens, Nude Photos, and the Law" and "Sexting Appropriate Punishments For the Crime". Class Discussion

  • Show students Video clip posted in the google classroom.

  • Work collaboratively in groups to answer short response questions from Newsweek article (Teens, Nude Photos, and The Law), QUESTIONS ARE posted in google classroom.

  • Link to article is here Teens, Nude Photo, and the Law (article).

  • Sexting group discussion and debate (50% of grade)

10/12 Columbus Day


  • Make sure you copy notes for pg. 5-10 for workbook from google classroom.

  • Chapter 1 Test REVIEW

  • Chapter 1 review quiz in class open textbook.

  • Juvenile Cases: pgs. 26-27

  1. Detention Hearing

  2. Adjudicatory Hearing

  3. Disposition Hearing

  • Review ADR methods and techniques: Mediation/Arbitration/Conciliation/Negotiation

  • Chapter 1 Assessment

  • Law and Order episode about Trial Procedure

  • Supreme Court on Education: Five Defining Cases (in class quiz)COMPLETE-DISCUSS

  • Law and Order episode