DAY 18

Today you will be working on a way to present your plan for the future of your area - your 100 year plan.

FIRST watch Young Ocean Explorers 'Kids want a marine reserve'

NEXT complete the challenge

THEN work on your 100 year plan.


Go outside and see if you can find one piece of plastic rubbish each. Count the pieces of rubbish your class found, and ask your teacher to upload your tally to the Young Ocean Explorers website. Don't forget to put the rubbish in the bin.

CREATE a way of sharing your ideas - poster / slide, speech, infographic, song etc

Be convincing - remember to explain WHY these ideas are important - what difference can it make?


Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei

For us, and our children after us.