Connections - more complex


  • THINK - can you think of any awa/ rivers, roto / lakes, or moana / sea near us?

  • RESEARCH - use the map to find rivers, lakes, and beaches / sea near where you live. Type in the name of the area you live in and zoom in on the map to see water that is near you. If you live in tamaki makaurau (Auckland) take a look at this map from Auckland Council - click ‘schools’ and ‘permanent streams’ then zoom in to find your school, and waterways near it.

THEN choose some activities from below to help you think more about the water near you and the place that you come from.


Watch the Young Ocean Explorers video 'Crazy Plastic Journey'

Go outside and pick up at least 1 piece of plastic or other rubbish - start to make a difference for YOUR community.


What water is near us?

  • RESEARCH - use the map to find rivers, lakes, and beaches / sea near where you live. Type in the name of the area you live in and zoom in on the map to see water that is near you. If you live in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) or Coromandel (Te Tara-O-Te-Ika-A-Māui ) you can look at a map of Tikapa Moana (the Hauraki Gulf) here.

  • CONNECTIONS - look carefully at the rivers, lakes and sea on the maps. Can you see any connections when you zoom in? Where does the water come from? Find the tributaries - small streams or rivers that feed into larger rivers, lakes or the ocean.

  • KUPU - can you identify any of these features in your local area? Awa (river), Manga (stream), Repo (swamp), Roto (lake), Pūwaha (estuary / river mouth), Wahapū (estuary / harbour), Moana (sea), Takutai (coastline /shore)

  • JUSTIFICATION - Which water is the most important for you area? Give reasons.

How do we use the water?

  • Think about all the different uses for water. You could read some of the articles linked below in the 'extra resources' to get some ideas. Under these headings list all the ideas you can think of.

    • TRANSPORT - what do we transport using water?

    • FOOD - what food do we get from the sea or fresh water?

    • HABITATS - what lives on, in, under, near the water?

    • RECREATION - how do we use water for fun?

    • WORK - which jobs are connected to our rivers, lakes, and sea?

    • HEALTH AND WELLBEING - How can the water help our health and wellbeing?

    • TOURISM - What can tourists do on and around our water in Aotearoa?

  • PLAN your ideal day out that has some link to a river, lake or the sea. Make an itinerary, and find out how much it might cost you. Design a brochure for an information centre to show your ideas.

Pepeha - what are we connected to?

  • WATCH - Young Ocean Explorers pepeha

  • THINK - Which places are important to you? Which area of water - awa (river), roto (lake) or moana (ocean) are important to you and your ancestors?

  • WRITE - write your own pepeha. You can try this website to help you, or talk to your whanau as they may have information to help you write your pepeha (there are some ideas below).

  • PRACTICE - once you have your pepeha written practice memorising it and saying it. In formal situations it is good to be able to introduce yourself using your pepeha.


National Library Topic Explorer research base

Other useful links


I am the river - a documentary about the Whanganui river by NZ on screen (53:07)

Pēpeha starter ideas