Juliana de Luna

Kingdom of An Tir

Teacher Bio:

Doña Juliana de Luna is a sixteenth century courtier who has meandered between Spain and the Italies, with a small income derived from her father's encomienda in Mexico. A woman with my small scholarly gifts entertains (or perhaps amuses) people enough to stay at court. I am quite the humanist, and want (like Emilia Pia) to have readings from The Courtier on my deathbed rather than readings from the Bible. I've done a lot of research on onomastics (names and naming practice) in the Mediterranean world.


What's in a Name - Names through Italy

In this class, we'll talk about language and names from Venice, Tuscany, Rome, and southern Italy. We'll start with Renaissance Tuscany, looking at the names found and how they're put together for men and for women. Then we'll wander both geographically and temporally talking about how names change from place to place and over time.
