Honorable Lady Fina MacGrioghair

Kingdom of An Tir

Teacher Bio:

I have been a part of the SCA for more than 20 years. While I love all the aspects of our Society, I have a passion for culinary history that extends to food ways, cooking techniques, and actual dishes that were being served. My primary focus is on Imperial Roman cuisine, diet, and dining, but I also study larger contexts of Mediterranean food culture and cooking. I love sharing what have learned with others, and my goal is to introduce people to the delicious variety of Roman cuisine and teach what I have learned.


The Archaeology of the Roman Diet

This is a lecture class focusing on how recent archaeological finds have changed our understanding of the Roman diet. The class will focus on recent archaeological digs at the port cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. It will discuss how new finds and methods are being used to re-examine the traditional viewpoint of the diet of the average citizen and reach towards a better understanding of the diets of these members of the Roman population.