Baronessa Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio

Kingdom of An Tir

Teacher Bio:

Franchesca Vecchio Havas, mother of 3, wife of one, cat friend to two

I have been making gloves since I was 5. My first article on gloves was published in 1987 in an SCA newsletter called the It Cometh in the Mail for the Austin branch of the SCA. My second article was published in the SCA newsletter called The Steppes Letter in Dallas in

1995. My third publication was a book published in the Spring 2001; SCA publication the Tournaments Illuminated.



4 hours of hands on construction. The day at your shop is filled with a flurry of activity. Ladies you recognize from the court of are excited and chatting about the days events. One of them tells you how about a surprise gift that awed the crowd and broke the stoic face of the Queen for one small moment. There was an announcement of a gift from France, a pair of gloves made by a famous gloving house in Grenoble. You can see in your mind's eye the beautiful craftsmanship as she describes them in the minutest detail and the please look upon the Queen's face.

You whisk yourself away to the back of your shop and begin to draft up a pattern from her description hoping the guild does not notice your work once it is done. If found out your work will be burned and you will be accused of making unlawful gloves.

And so it begins, your journey into the world of glove making