Week 3

Toward a New HeAven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution

Chapter Overview & Student Responsibilities

Chapter 16: Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth--Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Modern Science

In addition to the political, economic, social, and international crises of the seventeenth century, we need to add an intellectual one. The Scientific Revolution questioned and ultimately challenged conceptions and beliefs about the nature of the external world and reality that had crystallized into a rather strict orthodoxy by the Later Middle Ages. Derived from the works of ancient Greeks and Romans and grounded in Christian thought, the medieval worldview had become formidable. But the breakdown of Christian unity during the Reformation and the subsequent religious wars had created an environment in which Europeans became more comfortable with challenging both the ecclesiastical and the political realms. Should it surprise us that a challenge to intellectual authority soon followed? The Scientific Revolution taught Europeans to view the universe and their place in it in a new way. The shift from an earth-centered to a sun-centered cosmos had an emotional as well as an intellectual effect on the people who understood it. Thus, the Scientific Revolution, popularized in the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, secular, rational, and materialistic perspective that has defined the modern Western mentality since its full acceptance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The transition to a new worldview, however, was far from easy. In the seventeenth century, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei , an outspoken advocate of the new worldview, found that his ideas were strongly opposed by the authorities of the Catholic Church. But the church had a different view, and in 1633, Galileo, now sixty-eight and in ill health, was called before the dreaded Inquisition in Rome. He was kept waiting for two months before he was tried and found guilty of heresy and disobedience. Galileo had been silenced, but his writings remained, and they spread throughout Europe. The Inquisition had failed to stop the new ideas of the Scientific Revolution. In one sense, the Scientific Revolution was not a revolution. It was not characterized by the explosive change and rapid overthrow of traditional authority that we normally associate with the word revolution. The Scientific Revolution did overturn centuries of authority, but only in a gradual and piecemeal fashion. Nevertheless, its results were truly revolutionary. The Scientific Revolution was a key factor in setting Western civilization along its modern secular and materialistic path.

Student Responsibilities:

Before Class: Read textbook, review the lecture, complete the Flipgrid Inquiry Discussion

During Class:

  • Video Analysis: Galileo Battle for the Heavens

  • Primary Source Analysis

    1. Copernicus (480)

    2. Kepler and Galileo (482)

    3. Galileo (484)

    4. Newton (487)

    5. Cavendish (491)


Inquiry Based Discussion



We will play in class or in a virtual meeting

What scientific developments from the Scientific Revolution had the biggest impact on the future?

  • Provide background information for historical context surrounding this time period.

  • Cite 3-5 pieces of evidence to support your claim

  • Reply to a classmate and engage in a discussion. In doing so, add value to the conversation with new information rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing.

  • Open the Inquiry Based Discussion on Google Classroom. Reply using Flipgrid. Mark Complete on Google Classroom.

Video Analysis Discussion

Video Analysis Discussion: NOVA--Galileo's Battle for the Heavens

A. View: NOVA: Galileo's Battle for the Heavens

B. Briefly answer the questions below. Read and reply to another student's comments and engage in a discussion.

  1. What information in the videos did you already know?

  2. What information was new or surprising to you?

  3. What did you like about the videos?

  4. What would you like to know more about?

Nova: Galileo's Battle For The Heavens.mp4

Primary Source Analysis

Read one of the selected primary sources and complete the Primary Source Document Analysis on Google Forms.

Please review the course syllabus for a grading rubric and all assignment requirements.