
Before Editing

CAS outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

18-19 Photography Club Photo Editing (Creativity)

Since turning grade 9 meant I was in high school and I could join clubs, I joined Korean Club and Photography Club. I wasn't so great at taking pictures so I applied for being the editor. The editor's job was to edit the photos that photographers took and make them look better in quality and also to pick out the best pictures out of dozens. This was a fresh attempt for me since I was never too interested about taking photos or editing them, but I always wanted to try out new things instead of having a bias and judging before even trying.

The club operated very neatly. The leader of the club had 2 separate group chats, one for editors and one for photographers. She would ask the photographers if anyone could take pictures at certain events. After the picture taking was done, the leader would ask the editors if anyone wanted to edit the pictures. Each member of the club had to do at least 1 activity/work for the club till the end of the year.

As I have mentioned, this was my first time trying anything related to photography. This meant every step I took was challenging and I was quickly able to realize what my weakness and strengths. I was not used to editing photos since I never tried doing so before, but I got used to it quickly since I was always interested in technology. This meant I was able to use the computer and my mobile phone with basic knowledge and efficiency.

CAS Outcomes:

  • Undertake new challenges

  • Plan and initiate activities

  • Work collaboratively with others

  • Show perseverance and commitment

  • Engage with issues of global importance

  • Develop new skills

19-20 Mahidol Art Competition (Creativity)

For our 19-20 Art class, we all took part of the Mahidol Art Competition. The theme of the art competition was global health issues, where we had to draw any kind of paintings that portrayed the current global health issues.

I could have done it in groups or by myself, so I decided to do it with my friend, Daigo, to enter this competition.

Our initial plan was to work on the submission every art class for 45 minutes, or half of the lesson and complete it by the due date. Me and Daigo tried our best, and we did complete it according to our plan.

Me and Daigo worked together by diving the work we did. The amount of work was massive, but we divided the work by working on each other's strongest fields.

After I completed the submission, I learnt how to color any paintings better. Daigo taught me some easy but cool looking tricks that I can use when I have to color a artwork, which helped me with other artworks I had to do for art class.