

CAS Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Undertake new challenges

3: Developing new skills

4: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

18-19 International Day Performance (Activity)

This year was my first year of high school, thus letting me join clubs. There were various clubs that I could join, but the two clubs that caught my eye was Korean club and Photography club. This very special International Day performance was done within the Korean club. Korean club was well, as you can tell from it's name, we did anything to promote our proud country, Korea.

When I first heard that we had to perform, especially DANCE, I couldn't help but worry first. I knew I was terrible at dancing, and dancing was also my least favorite in all of the performing arts subjects. But we were the youngest, and had no choice.

During our practice sessions, learning one move after another was a hard challenge. Every move seemed so difficult and I had difficulties following most moves. All the moves we learnt were flashy and required flexibility, but I wasn't exactly the flexible type. I felt a bit relieved though, since most of my friends weren't good dancers either.

Collaboration and coordination with people I was dancing with was the hardest part. Moving all together at the same time was difficult since it required precise timing and tempo, along with moves like kicks having the same height of kicks and speed.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience. Experiences like those definitely made me desire to join the club again next year.

CAS Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

4: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

18- 19 Theatre Class Performance (Activity)

For school year 2018 to 2019, I chose Theatre class along with my friends for performing arts. We had practiced and sharpened different theatre skills, to reach our final goal - perform a class Shakespeare play, Macbeth.

We performed in the school's auditorium, where around hundred audiences watched us perform. My role was one of the three murderers hired by Macbeth to kill his best friend, Banquo, who noticed that Macbeth has climbed to his throne foully. I only played 3 different scenes out of 23, but I was the turning point of the story. I also helped in moving the risers to help deliver the scene.

The most challenging part was when me and Kendrick who played Banquo had to synchronize the murder scene. It would seem boring if I murdered Banquo without Banquo resisting when he was a general in the army. We practiced a simple struggling fight scene, and it delivered well.

Overall, I enjoyed performing for the theatre class with my friends. Ms.Emily, who was our teacher, left to NIST, a different school in Bangkok. This was our last play in Wells with Ms.Emily, and we wrapped it up well.



  • Undertake new challenges

  • Plan and initiate activities

  • Show perseverance and commitment

  • Develop new skills

  • Work collaboratively with others

19-20 Volleyball drills on weekdays for the year (Activity)

Volleyball has always been my favorite sport to play. But I personally always felt that my skills were lacking, especially spikes. After all, when I play volleyball, most of my job was to spike the ball.

I decided to come up with a practice drill that I can do just outside of my house. It was a simple drill where I toss the ball into the air, hit the ball, make sure the ball bounces off the floor then the wall, catch the ball again, and repeat.

When I first tried the drill, it was difficult to get the hang of it. I constantly missed my hits, or my hits weren't on the ball and the ball went flying too weak. So I practiced again and again on the weekdays, until I could do it almost consistently. I followed my daily 30 minutes practice schedule unless I really had to work on something else.

I learned how I can hit the ball better and accurately, with occasional help from MJ and Kendrick, both good friends of mine. They both taught me some tips I can use to get a better contact between my hand and the ball, which I can now apply whenever I get to play volleyball.


  1. Undertake new challenges

  2. Show perseverance and commitment

  3. Engage with issues of global importance

19-20 A21 Virtual Seminar (Service)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the previous opportunities of learning global issues and ways to tackle them had been cancelled. Of course, that didn't mean that they couldn't be done virtually. A non-profit organization named A21, an organization that focuses on battling human trafficking, had reached out to our school, Wells, to hold a virtual seminar. I knew it would be a great opportunity, so I signed up right away.

The seminar itself was engaging, informative, and fun, especially because I knew that the 'SerWIS" club would be working with A21 next year. The seminar explained what the A21 organization was, how an A21 center gets build around the world, what their goals are, difficulties as an organization, and difficulties as a member of the A21.

On the other hand, we had some difficulties. Our online seminar was held using "Google Meet". From time to time, the network connection issues got in the way and I missed few of her words, and the presenter couldn't see the audiences faces and make eye contact like she would do if we were holding a face to face seminar. We tried our best to show signs that we understand what she is saying, and be as engaged as possible by asking her questions at the end.