
CAS Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  4. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Dalgona Making

During the last week of October, me and my family decided to make Dalgona. Dalgona is a traditional Korean sweet which is made out of caramelized sugar and baking powder. Dalgona gained a huge boost in popularity after the famous Netflix show called 'Squid Game' showed a game using dalgona.

Although my parents were (as they say) 'quite professional' at dalgona making, I was not. My parents however guided me throughout the process and I was able to make a decent dalgona. But when it came to cutting the shape out of the dalgona I failed terribly.

The planning of this CAS experience was rather impromtu. My family had visited a DAISO in a shopping mall and saw that they had cookie cutters and a super tiny pan, so we thought, 'why not?'.

As I was making a dalgona I realized that dalgona making needed a lot of patience. My first few attempts failed because I couldn't wait for the sugar to cool down before pressing the sugar down. And like I mentioned, I also lacked patience when it came to the cutting out the shape part. But after a few more tries where I took everything slowly things started to work out.

From this exprience I realized how fun Korean culture can be, something that I was missing out because I am spending most of my time in an international school.

CAS Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Making French fries at home

I had always ordered fast food when I felt like I didn't really want to decide on the dinner menu. And when I order fast food, I always got the french fries. But the french fries from fast-food franchises were often a bit too salty, too oily, or not 'potato-y' enough. I coincidentally had the chance to watch a YouTube video about making french fries at home with an air fryer, and I knew that I had to try it.

The preparation process was somewhat difficult. I had no experience with cooking outside some basic Korean dishes, so I had to rely on my mother's guidance to prepare the potatoes. With my basic knowledge and my mother's expertise combined, the potatoes were prepared.

However, the first set of french fries wasn't really good. The potato was way too moist and the fries weren't crunchy enough. From this mistake, I tried to dry the potatoes even more by leaving them wrapped in a kitchen towel for a day then frying the potatoes. The 2nd try was much better than the 1st.

Overall I really enjoyed making french fries at home. I definitely felt that the french fries made at home were more delicious and more healthy, and felt more achieving than just ordering some from a restaurant.