
PAWs Club Photography Contest

The PAWs club of the 2021-2022 school year held a photography contest where we take pictures of cats in different categories and use our creativity to submit to the given categories.

Me and my friend Kendrick, decided to participate in the 'Catastrophe' category which requires the participants to submit 'drawings/pictures/videos of cats that look llike they want to end the world' or in other words, memes using cats.

My friend Kendrick already had a ton of cat pictures, so I had to use my creativity to pick out the best photos and add a nice caption. It was quite difficult to select only a few because many of the photos had a great potential to be turned into a meme.

I first had trouble adding the caption. I tried a few different methods such as using Microsoft Paint or Google Docs, but they didn't seem that neat. I then remembered that I could use an online poster designing tool that lets me add text boxes easily to an image.

After adding the captions I submitted the image and was happy with the final prodcut.

CAS Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  2. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  3. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively