
CAS Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Making a football goal out of unused materials with my father

During the weekends when my father has some free time, we decided to make a mini-sized football goal out of unused materials. The materials were mostly from leftover school supplies along with other materials that were at home.

I had to plan this with my father first. During the weekends, he was usually outside grocery shopping or enjoying his hobbies. I asked my father to spare me about 30 minutes in the afternoon, which he happily agreed to.

We first started with planning the overall structure of the goal. This was challenging as I was never great at designing anything. Thankfully, the geometric 3d figure lessons I learned back in grade 8 helped me a lot. I also knew that this was my weakness, and I wanted to improve on my designing skills.

We then cut the cardboard along the lines we designed so that we would have to just tape the boxes to make the shape of a goal. Cutting the cardboard wasn't easy as well, because of how thick the cardboard was and how rusty the cutter was. With enough effort, we cut the shape of the goal easily.

The taping part was easy. We used double-sided tape to stick the sides together.

The goal we made together was made so that when I felt like stretching from long hours of sitting down, I can practice my football skills with the mini-. So far, it has been working great.

From this experience, I was able to improve my designing and planning skills. Designing the cardboard in a way that I can just cut out and stick together was not easy. After a few trials and errors, the successful design worked smoothly. The cardboard was troublesome to draw on and cut as well. As I was working through it, I realized that I needed to angle the blade of the cutter to cut through like paper. In the end, I definitely enjoyed designing and cutting out the cardboard. It opened my eyes to try other designing opportunities as well.

CAS Outcomes:

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

2020-2021 Korean Club Social Media Manager

For the 2020-2021 Korean Club, I volunteered to be the social media manager for the club, along with So Yoon. With cooperation and help from the Korean Club leaders, we were able to post meaningful or catch up posts about the club's activities.

Working collaborate with So Yoon was overall a fun and meaningful experience. Although I had known her for few years now, I barely had the chance to work on a long term project with her until now. We discussed many ideas and themes we can use for the social media page, captions we can write, etc.

Making/coming up with designs or deciding what the caption should be was more difficult than I anticipated. It was really difficult to find the balance that highlighted what we wanted to show but not also give an appealing look. As we managed the social media account, I learned many things about designing and writing a good caption.

It was a bit difficult to always be ready to make a post whenever we had to. Catching up with school work was always the priority, but because I have a bad habit of procrastinating, I often left no time to work on the social media page. Because of this, I often tried to finish all tasks to work on the social media page on days we planned to upload a new post, which helped me fight my habit of procrastination a bit.

Overall, this experience was very meaningful and fun to me, and I would love to be the social media manager for the 2021-2022 Korean Club as well.

CAS Outcomes:

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

2020-2021 GreenHawks Social Media Manager

For the 2020-2021 GreenHawks Club, I volunteered to be the SNS manager. For the academic year during 2020-2021, the club had decided that it's crucial for us to develop a social media page for the club in order to be more accessible and to help promote our club activities to the members of the Wells community.

When the leaders had asked about who wanted to be the social media manager, me and my friend So Yoon had volunteered to do the job. Our responsibilities were designing infographics or posts that promote our activities and events as well as writing the captions that go along with the pictures.

I was quite familiar with designing posters or infographics, but for posts that tried to give an aesthetic theme of green colors, I was not sure where I should start. That's when my friend So Yoon offered to help, and I was able to also help her back with infographic-related designing.

The CAS opportunity overall was a fun experience. I really enjoyed my time designing and writing captions to promote the club's activities, and a sense of proud was felt when I saw the social media account grow.