Lesson 1: I can interpret a picture graph and answer questions about the data presented in the graph. NC.3.MD.3, NC.3.NBT.2, NC.3.OA.8

Lesson 2: I can create, represent, and interpret data on a frequency table. NC.3.MD.3, NC.3.NBT.2, NC.3.OA.8

Lesson 3: I can write one and two-step how many more and how many less questions based on a graph and analyze information on a graph to answer questions. NC.3.MD.3, NC.3.OA.8

Lesson 4: I can interpret data in a bar graph and solve simple word problems using information from the graphs. NC.3.MD.3, NC.3.OA.8

Lesson 5: I can solve word problems accurately using interpreted data from graphs. NC.3.MD.3, NC.3.NBT.2, NC.3.OA.8