Attendance Policy

Minimum Days of Attendance:

The local Regulation (No. 5110) for the minimum number of days in attendance in order to receive course credit is a 166 day requirement. A student absent for 15 or more days of school may be liable for the penalties of this policy if the absences are unexcused. Class periods missed through absence from school or early dismissal will be counted as absences. School approved absences will not count.

Promotion :

Promotion from grade to grade in the public high schools of Wayne Township, New Jersey is contingent upon the tally of credits for successfully completed accredited courses as approved by the Wayne Board of Education. The tally of credits will be determined at the end of the academic year summer session. Grade to grade promotion will be based upon the accumulation of credits as noted below:

1) 30 credits are required to become a Sophomore (including passing English 9).

2) 65 credits are required to become a Junior (including passing English 10).

3) 100 credits are required to become a Senior (including passing English 11 and United States History I).

*** Questions or concerns regarding attendance should be directed to your grade level Assistant Principals.