Your Own World

9.1.22 - 9.29.22

Project Proposition:

This September I am going to be focusing on a positive idea of Individuality. The biggest and most obvious theme of being individualistic is that you are living for yourself, and you are more in tune with your desires. In this piece, Your Own World, I want to share the life and living space of someone who is living this way.

The composition of this piece is going to focus more on the environment interacting with the figure, instead of the opposite that I normally make. I am going to draw a bright and colorful bedroom filled with lots of objects that can show the personality of the figure. This figure will be moving in action in this piece, as if this painting is a snapshot of life. I plan on using more pinks, reds, and purples for this piece as a more “feminine” color palette. I am going to try using an impressionist style to make the room feel really light and airy. I am going to fill the room with as many objects as I can to make this room feel packed, but comfortable and full of personality. I also want to change up the figure and have them contrast the “feminine” room.

The tone I want to get across with this piece is a blissful, light, and airy sort of wonderland that is a bedroom. I want this room to really share the personality of the figure, and will allow the viewer to understand the figure through the painting. I want to share a fun aspect of being able to live life for yourself as an individual. “Your Own World”, is a piece that will hopefully motivate the viewer to create their own world and live how they want to live.

I hope you all enjoy the progression of me making Your Own World!

Sketch/Color Blocking:

Here is the sketch and layout of the scene! I really like the perspective and details that I've added, and I hope to add a bit more details in the rendering process.

These are the colors that I've chosen for this scene, and I am using an analogous color scheme with pinks, purples, and blues. I like this color scheme and I think it adds a nice energy to the room!


I am currently working on rendering out the details and adding dimension to this room! I have worked on the dresser and the bed, and now I am currently moving onto the floor and wall spaces.

Right now this room feels really dull and bland, so I am going to adjust the values and saturation of the colors. Besides that I may add in some different details once I have the details of the room fully rendered.


I am currently rethinking the composition of this piece as I have now come up with a new idea that will make this piece more interesting. My original design was to add a figure into this piece later and to create an environment with a personality. I want to change this idea and make the room itself have a personality and to share a message or feeling. I want this room to feel magical and mystical that crosses the boundary of reality and fantasy. I hope to incorporate this by adding unique lighting and bright and saturated colors! I do not have a general plan right now, but I may add clouds and some other features to make this room feel mystical.

Finished Product:

Here is this month's finished piece, Your Own World! I think that this piece was a great challenge for myself and the result turned out really cool!

There are a lot of little details that I like about this piece, but I think that I like the lighting the most in this piece! I really enjoy the ambiance the blue brings into this piece, and how the light looks on other objects like the bed and the cloud. The blue creates a great focal point and also draws your attention to the center of the piece. The surrounding room outside of the focal point turned out really good and the room feels filled and lived in. Another one of my favorite details are the birds that I added in as I feel that they can add a lot of meaning to the piece. In general I really like most of the details that I added into the piece and I am satisfied with how everything combines into a whole finished product.

There are some things I would like to improve on after finishing this piece. One of my biggest struggles was creating value with the use of varying colors. I wanted to specifically focus on creating this room that is full of color and saturation, so I tried to purposefully avoid darker or grayer colors. Instead I just used other colors with the same value to make it appear darker or lighter, lighter being close to the blue hue, and darker closer to the pink hue. This gave a cool affect before I adjusted the tones and situation of the piece, but once I tried to make the room a bit darker I lost a lot of dimension in the details. I feel that I need to work on my color balance and usage when it comes to creating dimension, as I feel that a lot of my work has appeared flat and not 3D. Besides that, I would like to in general work on my composition skills and to create more interesting pieces with the use of placement and brush choice.

The meaning of this piece has stayed relatively consistently from the proposal to this final reflection. This piece is a positive theme of Individuality and shares the message of being able to live in the world that you want to live in. This scene is an example of creating your own world and living the life you want to live. You can create your own desires either through the use of technology, like the TV screen shown, or just purely from your imagination. This room shares a feeling of freedom and whimsical happiness from the color choice and the lighting. This piece shares a topic that I personally relate to, as I find myself enjoying a world more surrounded by technology and my own imagination. We all find happiness in many different things, and being an individual will allow us to not be afraid to follow our passions and dreams in life.

I hope you all have enjoyed the progression of me making this piece Your Own World! I hope to continue improving my work during Inktober and my future works.