
6.27.22 - 6.30.22

Project Proposition:

I am currently 7 weeks into my summer break and I have been making more progress with gaining motivation and passion for my work. I have been feeling more satisfied with where I am currently at mentally and physically, and I have given myself time to appreciate my time and how productive I am. This change I have created for myself feels like I am fighting against my identity, because I pride myself so much on my productivity and accomplishments. I feel that I am in the process of rebirthing myself for the better and to ultimately feel more happy and satisfied with myself. This new change I am bringing for myself has inspired me to create this month's piece, and that it is a part of my story of Individuality.

I wanted to try a new style of composition for this month, so I am going to try a creating a full body piece with a simple background. I feel that I have not been putting enough effort into my backgrounds, so I am going to try a new approach with the painting process. Usually I paint the figure first so I get an idea of how the background should complement the colors and detail, but I am going to make the background first. Most of the time I am lazy with the background since it is left at the end of the piece, so I want to combat this by making it first. The theme of this piece is going to be taken place in space, and the figure is going to be hugging a star. The background is going to be a bright galaxy which will contrast the plain colored figure. I want to use varying brushes this time, so I am going to plan on making the background "painterly" and to have some visible contrast and brush strokes. I will try to add some texture to the figure as well, but I plan on adding the main contrast through light sources. The star that the figure is clutching will be the main source of light, and the galaxy behind will add some ambient lighting to the shadows of the figure. I hope this composition will be interesting to the viewer with the use of color and light direction.

I am planning on using my new original character as the figure of this piece, and to tie in the backstory of my character with this month's theme. The meaning behind this piece that I would like to get across is that, you are able to change and "rebirth" yourself as a person at any time. You are not bound by your past and you are able to make the changes that you want for yourself. I felt the need to change myself for the better this summer as I have realized that the pressure I put on myself is not healthy at all. I want to be living without the pressure of success, as that has hindered me from living to the fullest. I feel that I am now in a chapter of life where I am having to fight against these mindsets I have bound myself by, and that I need to move away from my past and live how I want to. But to do that, I have to accept where I am at right now. That is the main reasoning why the figure is clutching the star tightly, in an act of acceptance and reassurance, is to become a brighter and bigger star themselves. My original character's plot fits along with this general theme, as they are a spirit born in the universe to simply learn and experience life. While this is my character's birth and new story, as the artist I am "rebirthing" myself and allowing myself to live differently. I hope I will be able to get this theme across with the composition and thought put into Rebirth.


Here is the rough sketch of the anatomy and positioning of the figure! An idea that came to me during the sketching process was to add wings? But I may change my mind, I'll focus on getting the figure and clothes painted before I decide if I want to add this detail.

I felt that I didn't want to sketch out the outfit and flowing fabrics, as I know that I will just go with my painting work flow and not reference back to the sketch. So I am trying a new method of being more rough with the sketch, as I know that most of the time I do not use my sketch as a 1 to 1 guide.


Color Blocking:

Final Piece: