"Mushroom Wasteland.Painting"

1.1.22 - 2.19.22

Background Information:

The first part of this commission was me planning out the whole piece, as I had creative freedoms to create a unique piece all from my mind. The first part of this planning process in on my "Mushroom Wasteland" tab in the Blog.

At the beginning of 2022, I began to start on painting this piece. The size of this canvas was 48' x 36', so this painting was huge haha. I luckily didn't feel too intimidated by this challenge, as I was excited to work on my largest piece yet!

Sadly I forgot to take a photo of the initial sketch, but trust me when I say it was nothing special haha.

After laying down my base colors getting the anatomy right, I began fully rendering at the foreground. This was arguably the longest part for me, since the foreground covered a lot of space.

Now I have finished up the foreground, and I am moving on to painting a loooot of grass. At this point I found a technique when I painted the grass, and I really liked how it looked. It added some nice movement and have enough color changes that it looked interesting.

Once this first grass section dries, I will be going in and adding more mushrooms. I plan on making them simplified and a blot of color, so it is easier to focus on the foreground.

So far I'm really excited for how this piece is going to work out!

Now I have finished up to 2/3 of this painting. I am having some iffy feelings only related to the largest purple mushroom right now, so I will fix some details with that. I am going to focus on painting the grass first, and then I will work on the grand mushroom in the center.

Here is the final stretch of this piece: doing some final revisions and details. I wanted to add a lot more highlights coming from the lightsource, and I wanted to fix some colors on the secondary large mushrooms.

Finished Product:

Signature is on the back frame since it's hard to paint on :)