Mushroom Wasteland

11.1.21 - 11.30.21


The initial prompt for this project was a "mushroom scenery." I decided to make a scenery that had unique perspective with more slopes and rounded edges, so there was a unique place to look in every direction.

The main criterias I wanted to include were: bright colors, lighting perspective, and hidden secrets with the piece.


I went through a pretty broad planning process when mapping out the image I had in my head for this landscape. I knew I wanted an interesting perspective, so I decided add a lot of curves and flowy ground areas. Soon I landed onto this sketch, and I added some base color to help me figure out a general color harmony.


Here is the near finished product of this landscape. I enjoyed adding a lot of detail and color throughout the piece.

Initial struggles I had throughout this piece, was creating a sense of focus on certain details so the eye would be drawn to it. This is something I haven't necessarily practiced on larger pieces, so I had to do a lot more planning than usual.

Besides this, I struggled with achieving a proper contrast within the piece, as I found it hard to make the foreground as dark as I wanted it. I probably ended up redrawing the stump in the foreground 10 times.

From these thoughts, I decided to change up a few details to get an effect I was wanting.

Finished Product:

Final Thoughts:

I really enjoyed the planning portion of this project, as it was fun to actually plan a scenery and all the details from mind for the first time! Most of my experience with drawing sceneries come from studying references.

Some things I liked about this piece were the bright colors used on the large mushroom as a focal point. I think an issue I realized was that my style was changing as I made this piece, so there would be some things that I would draw differently now already. That may be a general issue with doing longer projects, but that is something I will learn to adapt and get used to.