About Me

Yussii /you-see/

Hello! My name is Mae, but I go by my artist name Yussii.

I was born in the United States on May 12th 2006. I am a white American from German/Czech descent, and have spent my life only in Nebraska so far. I grew up in a small community in the country, and I plan to graduate Highschool early in December of 2023.

I am a passionate and dream-driven person; as I have a lot of things I want to experience in life. My passions are related to art, music, traveling, fashion, and gaining knowledge.

I am dedicated to the VOCALOID community and commonly make art around that genre. Occasionally I make fanart for certain video games I am interested at the time, but I plan to dedicate most of my efforts towards the VOCALOID community.

My current career goals are not fully determined, but I hope to work as a Front-end Developer in the Computer Science field. I plan on dedicating my life to art though, and eventually making this passion my full time job.








“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”

- James Dean

Artist Statement

I strive to create artwork with bright and interesting colors to convey themes in a unique matter. This year, I hope to use the theme of Individuality in my pieces to share a message that I find value in:

"Live life for yourself."

For most of my life I didn't know how to live for myself. I always wanted to appear successful and perfect to others around me by achieving what they thought was valuable. But I've learned that focusing on what I truly want in life is my purpose. Because of this, I have been dedicated to expressing myself through art and following my dreams.

I hope to develop my art style to be recognizable and impactful as I make more pieces. This year, I plan to make 12 projects each month that share the value I see in being your true self and taking pride your Individuality.

Because there is no one else who can do exactly what you do.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

- Anatole France


1.七渡天天想幸運 on weibo

2.@2964_KO on Twitter

3.@letsfinalanswer on Twitter

4.@athgil2 on Twitter

1.@Obscure_1O2sW on Twitter

2.@qunqing123 on Twitter

3.@marymushii on Twitter

All 3 Pieces By 中下游 on ZCOOL


Want to see my current Japanese language learning journey? Check out my portfolio below!
