1st Semester Reflection


Q: What is your most successful project? Why?

A: My most successful project was my March piece titled, “Floating”. I felt that I really captured myself well in the painting even though I didn’t use a reference. I also really liked the unique color scheme that I used too. Overall, the piece captured the emotion that I wanted to share.

Q: What was your most challenging project? Why?

A: My most challenging project was my April project “Lost in Wonderland”, as I was creating a composition with a complex scene and a figure. It took a lot of time to plan out the background and to make it look coherent.

Q: What project were you least proud of? Why?

A: I am least proud of my January project, “Refraction”, as I felt that I was a little lazy with the concept. I wanted an abstract and painterly feel for the piece, but I just got lazy with the details and composition. I feel I could have done a lot more with the concept now, now that I have more experience.

Q: How did this semester improve you artistically or personally?

A: This semester has really helped me establish a proper workflow for my art by creating the goal of making a piece each month. This schedule has helped me become more productive and make even more work than I normally would.

Q: What did you learn that was new?

A: I learned a lot more about composition and creating concepts for pieces. It was new for me to purposely plan a whole emotion and message for a piece.

Q: Are there any projects you wish you could have done differently or changed? What and how?

A: I think the main project I would like to change up is my February piece “Asphyxiation”. I feel the title is not describing the piece correctly, and maybe the term “Crowded” or “Crowd Crush” would have been more fitting. I would also like to establish more of a feeling of being crowded by lots of people by adding more detail to the figures beside the focal figure.

Q: What would you do differently throughout the semester?

A: I was a lot more creative and thoughtful with my pieces this summer, and I would like to continue this habit next semester.

Q: What was your favorite medium that you used or learned? Why?

A: My favorite medium that I really honed in on this year was digital art, as I have never really had a chance to work on digital works in school. I was glad I was able to get more experience with this medium, as there is a lot to learn with drawing program softwares.

Q: What discoveries did you make?

A: I made a lot of discoveries with color theory and the use of different brushes and textures. I learned how to plan a proper color scheme, and how to use my brushes with purpose.

Q: How was your time management?

A: My time management was good this year! I got all of my projects done on time!

Q: What are your overall thoughts on how you did this semester?

A: I think I did really well this semester! I really pushed myself creatively and made some great improvements in just 5 months.

Q: Is there anything you wish you would have done differently?

A: I don’t think there is anything that I would change, I could have maybe pushed myself a little more creatively, but I plan to do that next semester!