Born This Way

7.20.22 - 8.3.22

Project Proposition:

During my time at Art Camp in July I was assigned to make a self portrait of myself that had unique color transitions. I had the idea of creating a unique portrait of myself that resembled more of my mental state than my physical state. I wanted to show my personal struggle of dealing with health issues like scoliosis, but that my current mental state is accepting and happy with who I am right now. This piece secretly shares a lot about myself mentally that might need context to fully understand.


Here are some rough sketches experimenting with the composition and position of the figure!


During the end of my experience at Art Camp, I decided to make this painting as one of my second to last projects. I really enjoyed the concept and meaning behind this piece but I sadly could not get the physical result to look good to me personally. I struggled to get a good and natural pose for the figure and I could not figure out what style I wanted (realistic/semi realistic). I also struggled with the use of color and transitions. My general color scheme was to have blue undertones for the whole piece as well as gold and a warm orangish/yellow for the highlights and focal points. My instructor gave me the advice of creating color transitions to go between the two colors to help bring the piece together, which would create a greenish color transition. I ended up using a lot more greens throughout the piece and that began to overtake the other two colors. I also tried to use some reds to transition the highlight gold colors, but sadly the green and reds created contrast and made the whole piece feel like it was clashing. (this is my best description of the piece, cause I do not want to show the piece because it really did not turn out well haha)


Here is the remake that i did of the original painting for Born this Way. I really like how this piece turned out, and it looks way better than my original attempt at this concept. I did not focus nearly as much on the color transitions, but I still added a bit of green transitions on the arms and face. I painted this piece pretty quickly and I did not put a lot of detail into making this piece super realistic. I didn't make the lighting super realistic but I just tried to focus on making this piece look good to my own eye. (I apologize for the shorter notes on this whole piece, I have been a bit busy and I didn't plan a super detailed proposition for this piece.)