Longing for Clarity

12.7.21 - 12.11.21


I have many ideas for this theme, so I will be making 2-3 initial sketches to see what really sticks out to me. The main overall composition I am going for is:

1. A Human Figure

2. A Unique Perspective

3. "Out of Focus" in Front View, "Clearer" in Other Area

This idea may be hard to understand with just words haha, but the sketches may help give a better picture of what I actually mean.


Here are two sketches that I made within an hour; to help me decide which concept flowed better in my mind.

Initially these products weren't what I had in mind, but I decided to accept what came to me first.

The sketch on the left was going to be a water reflection style, but I decided that would take a bit too long for me to get right.

I liked the concept on the right more, as it was something I wasn't planning a true direction on. My hand just went with the flow, and I feel like this will be an interesting concept. Currently on December 9th, as I am writing this, I will plan to cleanup the sketch and get a full detailed plan before I start the long painting process.

Clean Sketch:

This sketch is looking really good!

I am really excited about how this looks so far, I would just love to keep the piece un-painted already. But I hope that the painting process will liven this piece up how I hope.

I plan on making the figure on the left very bright and saturated, with some blotchy shading and texture. The figure on the left will be more polished, uncolored, and glossy.

These differences with color, texture, and expression will help show the difference between "clarity and individuality."

Finished Product:

I am amazed with how this piece turned out! Genuinely, this is my favorite piece that I have ever made.

Everything about the texture of the paint, the color, the composition- it is exactly how I want my style to be.

If I had to ever be super picky about what I'd change, I would maybe clean up a few lines and some of the hair strands. But I do not want to touch anything at all, as I want this to piece to be exactly how it is now.

What I see as "imperfections" is what gives the piece a natural feel, as it isn't over polished. It's always easy to think of certain details you could fix no matter what, but I love this piece too much to do that.

I am honestly so proud of myself making this piece, as this is my dream style that I would love to maintain.

Final Thoughts:

After some thought, I think the overall theme of these piece can lead to a lot of alternative meanings. The theme could be the longing of being a pure and perfect being; or longing to be mentally clear and uncomplicated.

Personally, I give this the piece the meaning of wanting to be someone who appears to be perfect and satisfied on the outside. But meanwhile you are full of color, hopes, dreams, and your personality; and that is what should be truly desired in the end.