




I'm Sophie, the yoga instructor and nature lover behind Samastah: Yoga, Sound, Connection. I'm based in Aldinga and so you will find me each summer with the sand and the waves teaching yoga on the beach. I also love to offer retreats in South Australia with a strong connection to nature.

Yoga has been a part of my life since I was a child. Over the last ten years I've studied and taught hatha, yin and restorative yoga, sound therapy and meditation. I also enjoy working with young people and families, teaching courses in infant massage and kids yoga and mindfulness. My background is in adult education, teaching English language, literacy and numeracy but these days I have a strong commitment to environmental advocacy and activism and strengthening community. As a member of The Wild South I help facilitate community gatherings, workshops and fundraisers.

The ocean is my happy place and I volunteer as a Coastal Ambassador and a snorkel guide with Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries. I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to learn how to guide forest bathing sessions to encourage a conscious immersion in nature. I've also trained as a Living Smart facilitator, the perfect course for connecting up community while encouraging positive, sustainable changes. In my spare time I stay active and love basket weaving, gardening and learning about permaculture. I do my best to live a simple, healthy and mindful life with my two kids.

I love sharing the wisdom and benefits of yoga and nature connection. We all need to give priority to our wellbeing in the body and the mind, find emotional contentment and connect within ourselves and with others for a meaningful life. I would love to connect with you if any of my offerings of yoga, sound or connection call to you.

Please have a browse through these pages and feel free to get in touch with any further questions.

‘Samastah’ comes from my favourite Sanskrit mantra Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, which translates broadly as ‘May all beings everywhere be happy and free’. ‘Samastah’ means ‘all beings living in this location’, reminding us that we are interconnected to all life on this planet. This chant expands our awareness from focusing just on the self or the tribe, to remembering that we are all one, and we can radiate outwards our love and compassion to all life around us. Sophie ♥️