
Sophie offers popular half day retreats and weekend retreats which include yoga, meditation, uplifting workshops and a strong focus on connecting to nature. Make sure to book your place as they fill up very quickly.

Sellicks Community Hall

Sunday 22nd March 9.30am - 1pm

$40 Booking here

A nourishing morning honouring the autumn equinox with yoga and a gong sound meditation and other sound healing instruments and walking meditation at the beach.

The Autumn Equinox is a time for cultivating harmony and balance. The session will include restorative yin yoga, a slow and meditative style of yoga where poses are held for up to a few minutes and suitable for all levels. The yoga flows into a sound meditation with a focus on the gongs, accompanied by a range of other sound healing instruments, helping to take you into a deeply relaxed state or to shift stuck energy. At the end of the session, we enjoy some fruit and tea and time to reflect on the transition of the seasons.

If you`d like to continue the day, we have the option to gather again at Sellicks Beach (weather permitting) for a walking meditation, nurturing our connection to the earth with further ritual and reflection for the equinox. Walking meditation is a wonderful way to slow down, enhance your senses and feel connection and gratitude. There is also time provided for lunch, with options to bring your own picnic lunch, visit one of the local cafes or enjoy the buffet lunch at the local temple for a donation while you visit the statue of the Goddess Kuan Yin.